The Four Nutritional Pillars You Cannot Ignore with Dr Joanna McMillan PhD

Dr Joanna McMillan is a highly accomplished health and nutrition expert, with a wealth of experience and credentials to her name. She is an Accredited Practising Dietitian and a PhD qualified Nutrition Scientist, as well as a Fellow of the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and a Graduate of The Australian Institute of Company Directors.

With over 30 years experience in the industry, Jo is widely regarded as one of Australia’s most trusted and sought-after health experts. Her extensive media profile includes regular appearances on television across all channels, and where she has presented nutrition segments on the Nine Network’s Today Show for more than 16 years.

In addition to her media work, Jo is the author of eight published books and four audio books, covering a range of topics including gut, brain, and heart health. She is also an experienced speaker and MC, with her 2017 TedX talk attracting over one million views.

Today we chat with Joanna about the Four Nutritional Pillars we cannot ignore if we are planning on a longevity journey.

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