The Impact of Snoring on Relationships and How to Survive It

Mature Woman Covering Her Ears With Cushion While Man Snoring In Bed
Image ©Shutterstock/Andrey_Popov

It’s a noisy subject that’s often kept under the doona cover however, snoring is preventing thousands of women and their partners from getting a decent night’s sleep, but even more concerning is the impact it is having on relationships.

Research has found that two fifths of people lose at least two hours of sleep every night due to loud noises, that’s 728 hours a year, meaning we need a lot longer than that allusive one extra hour in bed!

The typical adult loses more than 501 hours of sleep a year – that’s the equivalent of nearly 63 full eight-hour long nights – all because of noise. 

One of the biggest culprits of noise at night is those pesky snoring decibels. Further studies have shown that 83 per cent of households in Australia have a snorer and 57 per cent disrupt their sleep cycle by waking themselves or their partner up throughout the night with the sound of their snoring rattling around the room.  

This problem is in turn causing significant relationship dramas with 79 per cent of snorers claiming snoring is causing a multitude of intimate problems including a dwindling sex life, loneliness and even separation or divorce. 

Snorers report all types of relationship-woes from the ridiculous to the down-right serious, with partners having to wear earplugs to bed to delaying moving in together. Being kicked or pushed by a significant other during the night is a common occurrence in a bid to get a snorer to stop. Many others are even thrown out of the bedroom and onto a sofa or into a spare bedroom just to get some peace and quiet.    

While snoring can be commonly found in established relationships, it can be even more problematic for budding romances, serving as a source of embarrassment, in particular, for the snorer.  

Over half (53 per cent) of Australian snorers claim they’re so embarrassed by their snoring that 75 per cent have avoided spending the night with a new partner because they don’t want their snoring to interfere with the other person’s sleep. 

Respected GP and author, Dr Ellie Cannon GP, understands and appreciates that snoring can be a source of embarrassment and that many sufferers will try anything to stop it.  At first, it can be a source of amusement and teasing in relationships but often results in having a huge impact on lifestyle – whether you are the snorer, or a person living with a snorer. 

“Relationships can really struggle if one person – or even both – snore.  You may think of it as being something that only affects you and your partner, but for those who feel embarrassed, it also impacts their holiday choices and even whether they travel on public transport,” said Dr Cannon. 

“Although there are many reasons why someone may snore, finding the right solution will often involve freeing up the airways. Reducing snoring ultimately improves sleep, which in turn improves overall wellbeing – both mentally and physically. 

In addition to causing relationship-strife, many snorers are concerned the noisy habit is having a significant impact on our health. Over half (50 per cent) of Australians wish they didn’t snore and nearly two thirds (60 per cent) are more than aware that snoring can cause health issues and have a huge impact on health and well-being. 

Dr Cannon adds; “Getting enough sleep is important for both mental and physical health, so finding ways to ensure we get the best we can is vital. 

“If we don’t get enough sleep this can not only affect our mood or energy levels of course, but our physical health as well.  Lack of sleep can be associated with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. 

“Controlling noise is simple but effective at improving sleep. It’s difficult to control the noises which interrupt our sleep during the night, whether that’s neighbours and animals outside or noises in our own homes. 

“And there is nothing more disturbing than lying there, trying to sleep and all you can do is tune into your partner snoring next to you – the biggest culprit according to the research!”  

Dr Cannon recommends trialling a nasal dilator such as Mute, to help reduce the severity of snoring by opening nasal passages. 

Australian designed and made Mute is the comfortable way to reduce snoring. It opens nasal airway passages by 38 per cent, letting you close your mouth, breathe through your nose, and snore less and has been shown to help snorers; particularly those with night-time nasal congestion or nasal obstructions.  

Both snorers and their partners report a better night’s sleep when Mute is used, waking more refreshed.  In a user trial, 75% of partners reported snoring was less/much less when the snorer used Mute. 

This article provides general information only, and does not constitute health or medical advice. If you have any concerns regarding your health, seek immediate medical attention.