Issue 3 – What I’ve learned about the Healing Power of Kindness

Hi Ladies, 

I want to start by giving a huge, socially distanced, shout out to all our Victorian and New South Wales readers. You ladies really are taking one for the team with these extended lockdowns, and we thank you.
Once again, I’d like to thank you for your invaluable feedback. We pay close attention to all your comments and are grateful that you take the time to share them with us. One story that received a huge response was ‘The Healing Power of Kindness,’ featuring the incredible Vasi D. Vasi selflessly shared her experience fighting Stage 3 Grade 3 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma to highlight how a culture of caring by medical professionals can make the journey a little more tolerable. I hope she felt the love.
If any of you have anything you’d like to share, please reach out on our socials, and message us, as it helps us to shape the right content for you.
The content in this month’s issue is so relatable that it almost feels like I choreographed it. I didn’t really, but there is so much that I’ve personally experienced.  While The A-Z of CBD, How Thyroid Disorders affect women, Heel Hell: How to Treat and Beat Plantar Fasciitis, Understanding and Managing Anxiety and Learning to Love your Liver all feel like they could have been written for me, I’m confident that our readers will also find themselves amongst these important stories.
When I was prescribed Cannabidiol (CBD) for the chronic pain I live with and while it helped with that, I found it also completely contained my generalised anxiety to a point of how I imagine a normal person might feel! But the research into CBD is in its infancy and its phenomenal benefits are still be uncovered, as we explain in The A-Z of CBD.
It isn’t known why women are more susceptible to thyroid disorders than men, but we are as we discover in Dr. Emily Handley’s comprehensive feature on Thyroid Disorders. My experience was of a 5cm goitre discovered on half my thyroid, only after an MRI on my neck discs which, fortunately, my GP chose to pursue for me. The biopsy came back Atypical, meaning the specialist couldn’t establish if the growth was malignant or benign so half had to be removed, a hemithyroidectomy, and if it wasn’t pretty, the other half would follow. Thankfully, it was benign and is functioning normally, so I don’t require meds. Yet.

This experience was one of the clinchers for me to start Pure Health Hub (amongst others). Because my (male) endocrinologist who constantly reassured me that there would be no adverse side effects from removing my thyroid, was misguided at best. There were indeed side effects, particularly after surgery, and it would have been helpful had I been prepared.
I had the pleasure of chatting with a few health experts this month. A conversation with Dr Tamara Hunter, Gynaecologist & Specialist in Reproductive Endocrinology, focussed on what happens for us physically as we transition through menopause and how we don’t need to put up with the more challenging parts of it. I also spoke to Claudia Cramer, a Health Coach with UK based health and weight loss app, Second Nature. Claudia shares tips on the best ways to maximise input and output to maintain a healthy body and mind.
My final guest this month is Dr Malcolm Ball, Chief Medical Officer and Co-founder of MediKane, producers of an innovative product called NutriKane, which has been clinically proven to lower and control blood sugar levels, assist in weight loss, promote a healthy microbiome, and reduce inflammation.
We’ll be stocking this amazing product in our online store, which is due to open in just a few weeks. Subscribe to the free monthly magazine and you’ll be the first to know about the launch.
Ladies, we are so thankful that you are enjoying our content and finding it helpful with your own health journeys.

Have a healthy and happy month.

Lindy x